Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Arnold Jr. Family

Greetings from the Arnold Jr. family! This is Bill Arnold Jr., Pat and Bill Arnold's son. We are currently living in New Jersey. I've been working on alternate route certification so that I can teach music in the public schools. My wife Valerie is just about to go back to school to finish her degree after being out for quite awhile. Our five year old son, Liam, is getting ready to go to kindergarten next Fall.

Here's a recent photo of us at Rockefeller Center:


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Posting Your Own Thoughts Here

I sent out invitations to all the people for whom I had emails. This was basically all the Bill Samson's and quite a few that Judy provided. So, many of you should have received an email from Blogger that allows you to sign up and post. Please let me know all others who should receive an invite to post.

Feel free to start putting up your own posts. This is a space to tell what it happening in your life and the life of your family. This whole project began when Judy sent out an email with the news of the upcoming baptisms of Julia (Heather and Dusty) and Alex (Mandy and Steve), with the baptism to be performed by the Rev. Michael McCall Samson. Exciting.

It would be great to hear what is happening with you, to use this space to catch everyone up on each other's life. For my kids, it would be great for them to connect with their broader family.

So, please feel free to put up your own posts. If you are not sure how to do that, please email me and I would be glad to talk you through it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The First Post

Welcome to the Samson Family Blog. This is specifically dedicated to the children (and grand, great-grand, and great-great-grandchildren) of John Samson. Thus the name of the URL, "Kirkcaldy," the town from which John came. Unfortunately all the names like "thesamsons" and "samson" were taken, but I think this is a good one.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by. If you are someone who fits this category and would like to be able to post something here, please email me. Also, feel free to email me if you are not sure how to post or you want to give me the email address of someone else who might like to post.